Local Exposure

Lunchroom LaantjeNearly 3 years ago I dropped into Lunchroom Laantje in Santpoort-Noord during a hard day’s househunting, and immediately felt at home. I became a regular there before I ever lived in the Netherlands. One time I walked in and Laantje said “you’re late!”. She’d heard on the grapevine I was coming over from Scotland again, and was saving a bit of apple pie for me.

That’s why I’m tickled pink that my Santpoort prints are now hanging on her wall, and available for sale along with the most delicious apple pie in town.

Mill window in the mill windowBut that’s not all. Encouraged by my success, I plucked up the courage to head to Molen de Zandhaas with my print of their window. After a chat with the miller himself, the print went straight into the window! It’s now available to buy along with delicious local produce (I can vouch for that Santpoortse bier) and – of course – flour from the mill itself.
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