Designer Amsterdam shop to host Black Prints
The New Label Project, on Amsterdam’s prestigious Rozengracht, will stock my prints from 30 November.
The New Label Project, on Amsterdam’s prestigious Rozengracht, will stock my prints from 30 November.
See my brand new winter prints here, and read the stories behind them.
“On a snowy day last January one of my walks took me by the windmill near where we were living in Aalsmeer. Given that the canal the mill fed was seemingly frozen solid, I was surprised to see they had the sails out during a snowstorm. It made such a lovely scene, however; the snow …
“Over half my life ago, when I was 21 years old, I found myself in Groningen as an exchange student. Within two weeks time, I met the love of my life who participated in the welcoming committee for international students. It was as if I came to meet *him* and he was expecting *me* the …
“My uncle lived on a houseboat on the Prinsengracht for many years and when I was a kid the pictures of people skating on the canals really captured my imagination. When I moved to Amsterdam, one of the first things I bought for myself was a pair of ice skates, thinking this was an annual …
“Having lived abroad for years, I actually never saw the canals of Amsterdam frozen before the winter of 2011. It felt extraordinary to be walking on the ice, I felt like I was part of a 17th century Dutch painting.” Gerlinde de Haas
My set of four winter prints, based on competition-winning photographs, is making great progress.
The results are in! Five lucky winners will each receive a set of handmade winter prints for free.
A series of prints for children, of characters from classic fairy-tales (sprookjes in Dutch). Although they come from all over, I have given them their Dutch names. Jaap en de Bonenstaak (Jack and the Beanstalk) is currently hanging in the shed to dry. Meanwhile you can buy these two in my Etsy webshop. Subscribe using …
Do you have a beautiful Dutch winter photograph? Enter to win a whole set of winter prints for free.